勒索软件:网站和网络应用程序迫在眉睫的威胁 什么是勒索软件? 赎金软件是一种恶意软件,旨在阻止计算机系统或数据的访问,直到支付赎金为止。 攻击者通常通过软件漏洞、网络钓鱼邮件或恶意下载获取访问权限。 一旦进入,勒索软件就会加密文件,并要求支付解密密钥。 勒索软件对网站和网络应用程序的影响1. Financial Losses: Ransomware can result in substantial financial losses. Beyond the ransom payment, businesses may face costs associated with downtime, data recovery, and potential fines for data breaches. 2. Operational Disruption: When a website or web application is compromised, it can halt business operations. E-commerce sites may be unable […]